Catholics in Central Illinois can go back to service soon.
The Diocese of Springfield announced today the dispensation from attending Mass has been modified. Bishop Thomas John Paprocki announced that effective April 11, the general dispensation will expire.
The general dispensation has been in place since last March due to the coronavirus pandemic. Under the modified dispensation, most Catholics will be obligated to attend Mass, while certain others will continue to be dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass and Holy Days, including:
Those 65 years of age or older; Those at risk for severe illness due to underlying medical conditions as described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; those who care for the sick, homebound, or in-firmed; women who are pregnant; and those who cannot be accommodated at Mass because the church was at safe-distancing capacity.
Paprocki says churches in the diocese will continue safe distancing protocols and other safety measures will also remain in place such as mask wearing, pews being roped off, hand sanitizer being available in the church, the priest sanitizing his hands before distributing holy Communion, and churches being cleaned and sanitized, among other safety measures.
For more information, Catholics can visit