The state is launching a new school safety initiative called Safe2Help Illinois.
Illinois Emergency Management Agency Spokesperson Rebecca Clark says it gives students an easy way to report concerns, whether it’s a suicidal friend, bullying, sexual assault, or threats of school violence: “If this is a critical, time sensitive kind of issue, we have the ability to funnel that information immediately to law enforcement; but in a lot of the cases, we are able to funnel this information to the school officials on the ground. One of the things that we think that is really unique about this program is that it’s really a voice for kids, whether they feel threatened, whether they are worried about one of their friends, maybe they know something and they just don’t feel comfortable telling an adult just yet.”
Safe2Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and comes at no cost to school districts. Students can access the service via the website: They will also find information to phone, text, email, and the mobile app.