Officially official. Two Jacksonville Police officers were officially promoted in front of the Jacksonville City Council Monday night.
Police Chief Adam Mefford named police lieutenants Doug Thompson and Kyle Chumley to new position two weeks ago. Thompson was named Deputy Chief, while Chumley was named the new Commander of Investigations. Mefford told the Jacksonville City Council and those in attendance at Monday night’s meeting that he wanted to the two officers to be officially recognized and pinned: “Tonight, I have some of their family members with them. I’m going to have them come forward and we will be officially pinning them with their new badges on their ceremonial uniforms to make it completely official now. Even though they have taken over their new positions, working in them for a couple of weeks now.”

Deputy Chief Thompson said the ceremony wasn’t finished after their pinning: “One of the things that Chief Mefford has brought back to our department that Chief [Don] Cook used to do quite a bit was bringing members here to have them in front of the council showing that our members are doing a good job and also having them recognized. A couple of weeks ago Chief Mefford mentioned about two of our deputy chiefs and a lieutenant that reached their 25-year mark and 20-year mark, I believe. Nonetheless, on the 17th of January, Chief Mefford reached his 25 years of service. He’s unaware that we are doing this tonight, but if you could come up here please and receive your honor for your service.”
Mefford says that his time in the department has gone by quickly: “You guys have all heard me talk plenty of times. I appreciate this honor. Twenty-five years…some years go faster than others. All in all, it has gone by pretty quick so I look forward to a little more time here.”
Mefford has served the last nearly 7 years as Jacksonville’s police chief.