Two area Lincoln Land Community College students will have their art featured in the Art St. Louis Gallery starting next month. Maria Kelarestaghi of Virden and Maggie Miller of Jacksonville will have their artwork featured in Varsity XXV, a multi-media exhibition featured original by regional artists in Missouri and Illinois. The show will run at the Art St. Louis Gallery downtown from March 5th through April 1st.

Varsity Art XXV will present 44 works of art in a variety of media by undergraduate and graduate level students of all ages, representing 22 regional colleges and universities. The gallery will feature Miller’s cardboard and wire work entitled “Baby Steps” and Kelarestaghi’s acrylic on canvas “MWAH.”
Art St. Louis is free and open to the public. Hours are Mondays through Fridays, 8AM to 3PM and Saturdays, 9AM-2PM.