The Village of South Jacksonville officially appointed Eric Hansell as Chief of Police last night. Hansell says he’s appreciated the last week of work with outgoing chief Tim Mann, allowing him to get acquainted with the department making for an easy transition: “Chief Mann and I have worked closely together the last week to change over passwords, accounts. He updated me on the department, kept me going with the vehicles and where they are at in the process with that. He’s done a fantastic job updating the department and getting reports caught up and the equipment caught up, as well as vehicles. I hope to continue his efforts and maintain a fantastic South Jacksonville Police Department – a department that’s going to serve the community with pride and community support.”
Hansell says he’s spoken with several of the current officers at the department over the last week, and he says that they seem excited for the new leadership and the new ideas to come.
In other village board action last night, Village President Harry Jennings says that Trick or Treating will be as it has in the past with two night on October 30th and 31st from 6 to 9PM. He said that the new Illinois Department of Public Health trick or treating guidelines will be up on the village’s website for reference for residents.
Jennings also reminded the near-capacity crowd at Village Hall that petitions are available for the position of Village President, Treasurer, and 3 trustee’s seats up for election. Petitions are due in December for the official consolidated election to be held in April.
The village approved over $17,000 in new equipment and turn out gear for the fire department. Riley Hunt and James Vannier were accepted as new hires as part-time firefighters. The part-time officer pay scale was approved, raising the wage to $16 to $21 per hour, based on the officer’s experience and recommendation from the village police chief’s office. Trustee Dick Samples was awarded $2000 for his work as a part-time code enforcement officer after former officer Bre Potts stepped down back in late April.
The next scheduled meeting is set for committee of the whole on October 28th at 6:30PM.