One Cass County village is using Jacksonville as a model for a new ordinance regulating a new business venture.
The Cass County Star Gazette reports that the Village of Ashland is currently exploring an ordinance to allow Bed & Breakfasts and/or AirBnBs.
According to the report, Ashland Mayor Kitty Mau has been approached by residents about hosting those types of businesses.
Mau has asked village attorney Tom Veith to explain both AirBnBs and Bed & Breakfast businesses to the village board. Veith is said to have used items from the City of Jacksonville’s ordinance regulating those businesses as a model on what kind of language the ordinance would contain and the potential fees for licenses and taxes that the city requires.
The report says that the Ashland Village Board of Trustees has set up a committee to work with Veith to pursue changes to the village’s current home rental ordinance to set up a possible special-use permit and any fees and taxes associated with both types of businesses.
A potential ordinance could possibly be brought for action as early as next month’s Ashland village board meeting.