The White Hall Lions are hoping to dispel some confusion about this weekend’s Fourth of July festivities.
The annual Fourth of July fireworks will be held as it traditionally has been at Lions Park on Carlinville Street on Saturday, July 3rd at dusk. Some local publications had listed the fireworks as incorrectly taking place at the White Hall Rez.

The annual parade will also take place in the morning rather than the afternoon, beginning at 10AM stepping off Main Street. Dr. Randall Voigts and his wife Karen Voigts will be parade grand marshals. The couple has served the Greene County community since 1985.
After the parade, there will be live music from Midwest Avenue, Me N D, and Off the Wall, vendors, a beverage tent which will run from noon until midnight, bounce houses, and bingo at the park. Unfortunately, there will be no carnival this year.
The White Hall Fire Department will sponsor a free slip & slide from 1-3PM. There will be kayak and cardboard boat races and a sand volleyball tournament at the White Hall Rez at 2PM. For more information or questions, visit the White Hall Lions Club on Facebook.