A White Hall man who failed to register as a sex offender in August of last year was sentenced in Greene County court on Friday afternoon. 53 year old Hillery E. Stuller of White Hall plead guilty to one count of violating the sex offender registration act on September 1st. Stuller remained in custody at the Greene County Jail for the past two months awaiting sentencing in the case after pre-sentencing investigations and testimony from local law enforcement was given at follow up hearings.
Greene County Judge Zachary Schmidt sentenced Stuller to 30 months of adult probation, a $500 county fine, plus court costs per the September open plea. Schmidt also ordered Stuller to comply with recommended sex offender treatment; ordered a drug & alcohol evaluation and treatment, and prohibited Stuller from purchase and/or consumption of alcohol for the duration of his probation. Stuller was given credit for 90 days served.