White Providing Email Service For Driver Admin Hearings

By Benjamin Cox on October 14, 2020 at 1:13pm

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White has announced a new email program for citizens seeking to restore driving privileges. Individuals who have a driver’s license suspension or revocation or any other loss of driving privileges can send an email to adminhearings@ilsos.gov.

White says he is providing the service to help people schedule administrative hearings and avoid long lines at Driver Service Facilities. White says that people will no longer need to go to a facility to see an informal hearing officer for this type of information.

According to the press release from White’s office, once an email is received by the office, a response will be sent within three days. The response will include whether a hearing is necessary, the type of hearing needed and the documents that may be required at a future hearing. Administrative hearings are still required to be held in person.

For more information on the service, please visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com.