WLDS/WEAI’s website re-design is complete. Steven Varble and Sam Hermes along with the rest of their tech team made the re-design complete at the end of the month of September. While most of the features may see some tweaks, the website is up and running.
The new design was necessary to make the website more friendly for mobile devices and tablets. The original design had been made for desktop computers. The website design has been made cleaner for easier visibility and faster load times.
Some of the changes users can see is that the menu bar can be hovered over for drop down features. A simple click on your selection will take you to the respective pages your looking for instance Area News has Obituaries, Farm News, and more. To read entire articles, simply click on the title. A new section under Area News is the local police blotters. The blotters a list of local arrests and some citations that are in public record by the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office, Jacksonville Police Department, Greene County Sheriff’s Office, and the Pike County Sheriff’s Office. Other agencies may be added at a later time.
A new alert banner feature as well as an announcement menu will have pertinent announcements for school and business closings, cancellations, postponements, and other emergency information.
The station will continue to add new features in the next several months.
As always, the focus is on local and area news with the twice a day news cyle and all up-to-the minute breaking news as WLDS/WEAI continues to be the news leader like we have been for over 80 years in the area.