Bluffs Water Storage Tank Completed

By Benjamin Cox on October 12, 2023 at 5:48am

The Village of Bluffs recently completed a key piece of utility infrastructure.

The Scott County Times reports that the village recently completed a new 150,000-gallon water storage tank. The construction of the tank was funded by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s low-interest water infrastructure loan program.

Work on the water tower began almost a year ago. Benton & Associates of Jacksonville oversaw completion of the project.

Bluffs received $1.3 million to upgrade both the water storage tank and the water treatment and supply infrastructure for the entire village. The loan included $400,000 in principal forgiveness. The mechanical systems including filters, a new SCADA system, water pumps, piping and other media are expected to be finished by the end of the year. The village’s water treatment plant also received a new HVAC system.

The new storage tank replaces the original tank constructed in 1935.

Bluffs was among 48 other communities to receive the low-interest loan funding in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2022.